
 I was Born on February 1, 1975. Elementary school and Gymnasium I finished in Bački petrovac and than  I enrolled at the Faculty of Science department graduatebiologist.In 2001 I graduated as a biologist and got a job at the Elementary School in Gložan where I taught for three years. After that, I am employed in the Municipal Administration of Bački Petrovac, where I work as an environmental inspector to this day. I am married and have a daughter.

I have been painting since my earliest childhood under the watchful eye of my art teacher father. I have been doing more serious painting since 2019 when I joined the Association of Petrovac Artists with whom I jointly exhibit my works and visit the art colonies.I am member of artefactoschool and thats my way of educations nowdays.

I paint watercolors, acrylic, mix media and dry pastel. I also paint on glass and fabrics. My hobbies were my hobbies for creating and sewing clothes, gardening and cooking.

Lives and Works: Serbia, Bački Petrovac

Tatiana Milina Turanova joined SerbianaArt on Jul 24, 2023.

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